sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Tú eres el culpable

Leo en el WSJ de ayer que el UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) propone, como medida para detener el cambio climático el control de la población.

Now the Fund has gone a step further, arguing that the scourge of reproduction is not just a question of raw numbers, but that humanity itself is destructive. "No human is genuinely 'carbon neutral,' especially when all greenhouse gases are figured into the equation," the report tells us in a section entitled "At the brink." "Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution."

Para cerciorarme de que no es un aspaviento de Murdoch, el jefe de Aznar, busco en la web el mencionado informe y, efectivamente, en la página 66 dice con buenas palabras y grandes dosis de neolengua:

1: Bring a better understanding of population dynamics, gender and reproductive health to climate change and environmental discussions at all levels A lack of awareness of the rights-based population policy agenda forged at the ICPD continues to plague climate
negotiators’ discussions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2007 report on mitigation, for example, suggested that the international community would have to restrict its policy options for limiting future emissions to those leading to reductions in energy use and
carbon intensities, rather than any that might help slow population growth, because the “scope and legitimacy of population control” was still “subject to ongoing debate.”3 Since the ICPD, the international community was thought to have abandoned misguided discussions about the “scope and legitimacy of population control.” Control of population, in the sense of Government edicts and targets on fertility levels, has no ethical place in contemporary rights-based policymaking. What is ethical—and in the long run far more effective than governmental controls— are policies that enable women and their partners to decide for themselves if and when to have children and to do so in good health, and actions that promote equality betweenthe sexes in all aspects of economic and social life.
“There are strong linkages and correlation between population growth and emission of greenhouse gases that cause climate change, and … communities experiencing high population growth are also most vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change, such as water scarcity, failed crops, rise in sea level, and the spread of infectious diseases.”

Y no es la única fuente que encuentro que relaciona la solución al teórico cambio climático en el control de la población. A través de este blog encuentro que en Inglaterra existe el Optimum Population Trust, que en su página web dice que el derecho a tener un número ilimitado de hijos choca con el derecho de los demás a estar solos y a disfrutar de la naturaleza:

The “private” right to have an unlimited number of children is at odds with other people’s rights to enjoy freedom and nature – including the right to be “let [left] alone”
“Given that law guides our behaviour, a policy that treats procreation as private is regressive, environmentally damaging and peculiarly anti-social: it teaches us to disregard others and their interests. Until we have policies that reflect the truly public nature of having children, we will encourage irresponsible procreation, and all the harm it causes”

Esta hace la entrada número 1000 del blog.

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