viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Con estos liberales para qué queremos a los socialistas (VII). Ya se han dado cuenta

Llevaba tiempo diciéndolo. Sarkozy es socialista. Se puede leer en algunas entradas de esta serie sobre los falsos liberales. Leo en The Economist, que Sarkozy, que ganó las elecciones para sacar a los franceses del marasmo intervencionista en el que se encontraban tras décadas de gaullismo y socialismo, ha vuelto rápidamente a la tradición francesa.

Mr Sarkozy was elected last year on a promise to get the French back to work, to allow them to earn more, to end the welfare culture and to encourage risk and reward merit. But recently the president has sounded a different note. He has declared that “laissez-faire capitalism is over” and railed against the “dictatorship of the market”. He is setting up a “strategic national investment fund” to take stakes in French companies so as to protect them from foreign predators. His prime minister, François Fillon, has threatened to nationalise banks unless they lend more to companies. And Mr Sarkozy has also pledged to create 100,000 state-subsidised jobs of just the sort favoured by a former Socialist government, which he denounced vigorously during his election campaign.
It is a delicate path to tread. Mr Sarkozy cannot plausibly head off the anti-market left unless there is enough substance behind his fiery talk. Yet too much and he will lose those who backed him precisely because he was ready to tell the French that they could not live beyond their means. So far the French seem to like what he is doing: in November, his popularity climbed eight points to 49%, according to Ipsos, a pollster. And Mr Sarkozy is nothing if not agile. But even he will find it hard to straddle the entire political spectrum.

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